Satsang: Whatever You Invest in Time

April 25
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

In this satsang, we will focus on Gurumayi’s teachings on the true nature of time in her poem “Whatever You Invest in Time” found in her book Smile, Smile, Smile.   (From the Introduction to Smile, Smile, Smile) “So many people regard time as a prison and destiny as sealed. A Siddha sees time from an exalted perspective, in which life opens out anew moment by moment.”©

CHANT:   Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya in Bilaval raga

Chanting with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

This traditional and powerful chant honoring Baba Muktananda is sung by Gurumayi and Siddha Yoga students in Oakland in a sweet and tender raga that evokes the qualities of divine love and compassion. It was recorded in 2002 during the celebration of Gurupurnima.

Click on the links to listen to an excerpt of the chant.

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